Language Scope Nabla
<!-- Scope Nabla version of 99 bottles of beer -->
<!loadsyntax =language.sntx/>
<!loadsyntax =conio.sntx/>
<defvar Class=int Identifier=i><int_const value=99/></defvar>
<cout><varref =i/><str_const =" bottle(s) of beer on the wall"/>
<char_const =0xA /></cout>
<cout><varref =i/><str_const =" bottle(s) of beer"/>
<char_const =0xA /></cout>
<cout><str_const ="take one down and pass it around" />
<char_const =0xA /></cout>
<Equal><Deca><varref =i/></><int_const =1/></Equal>
<varref =i/>
<str_const value=" bottle(s) of beer on the wall" />
<char_const =0xA /></cout>
<cout><str_const ="No more bottles of beer on the wall!
<cout><str_const ="Time to buy more beer!"/></cout>
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