Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Jeremy Konopka |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | ![]() |
SIMSCRIPT is a simulation language from CACI and runs on PCs and VAXen. '' 99 Bottles of Beer using SIMSCRIPT '' Author: Jeremy Konopka <> PREAMBLE PROCESSES INCLUDE brewer, drinker RESOURCES INCLUDE bottle DEFINE countem AS A INTEGER VARIABLE END MAIN CREATE EVERY bottle(1) LET U.bottle(1) = 1 LET countem=100 ACTIVATE A brewer NOW START SIMULATION PRINT 1 LINE THUS No more bottles of beer on the wall. END PROCESS brewer FOR I=1 TO 99 DO ACTIVATE A drinker NOW LOOP END PROCESS drinker REQUEST 1 bottle(1) RELINQUISH 1 bottle(1) LET countem = countem - 1 IF countem > 1 PRINT 3 LINES WITH countem, countem THUS ** bottles of beer on the wall. ** bottles of beeeeer ..., Take one down, pass it around, ELSE PRINT 3 LINES WITH countem, countem THUS ** bottle of beer on the wall. ** bottle of beeeeer ..., Take it down, pass it around, ALWAYS IF countem > 2 PRINT 2 LINES WITH countem-1 THUS ** bottles of beer on the wall. ALWAYS IF countem = 2 PRINT 2 LINES THUS One more bottle of beer on the wall. ALWAYS END
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