Language SPL
Date: | 06/22/05 |
Author: | Stan Sieler |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 1 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | ![]() |
! beerspl.source 05/06/21 cm $control uslinit, adr, errors = 5, main = beerspl ! magic incancation to set "x9" flag to "ON" for ! SPLash!, and "OFF" for SPL... $set x9 = off ! OFF = SPL/V, ON = SPLash! $if x9 = on or xsplash ! SPL/V ignores the "OR XSPLASH" $ set x9 = on ! Yes, is SPLash! $if begin <<------------------------------------------------------------ Purpose: to print all verses of the "99 bottles of beer" song, Submitted to: 2005-06-21 Language: SPL/V and/or SPLash! Compiles in both SPL/V (Classic HP 3000 or "compatibility mode" on PA-RISC HP 3000) and in SPLash! ("native mode" on PA-RISC HP 3000). Based more on than on the text at: Usage: 1) run beerspl 2) run beerspl, help 3) run beerspl, version ------------------------------------------------------------ History (latest first): HIST 20050621 first version ------------------------------------------------------------>> define author' = "Stan Sieler (" #, version' = "BeerSPL 20050621" #; $if x9 = on define plabel = double #; $if x9 = off define plabel = integer #; $if ! x9 = on/off plabel old'plabel; ! result from xcontrap integer bottles, ! 99 to 0 outlen := 0; logical array outbuf (0 : 66); byte array outbuf' (*) = outbuf; entry ! alternate entry points help, version; intrinsic ! OS provided library routines: ascii, ! similar to Unix: itoa () print, ! similar to Unix: printf ("%s\n") terminate, ! similar to Unix: exit () xcontrap; define say = outlen := outlen + move outbuf' (outlen) := #; <<---------------------- forward routines --------------------->> Procedure say'num (n); value n; integer n; option forward; Procedure send; option forward; <<*************************************************************>> procedure cy'handler; $if x9 = on option native, nocc; $if begin terminate; ! user hit control-Y ! (MPE's equivalent of control-C) end <<cy'handler proc>>; <<*************************************************************>> procedure say'bottles (bottles, want'capitalize); value bottles, want'capitalize; integer bottles; logical want'capitalize; ! output: ! bottles want'capitalize not want'capitalize ! ------- --------------- ------------------- ! ! 0 "No bottles" "no bottles" ! ! 1 "1 Bottle" "1 bottle" ! ! > 1 "# Bottle" "# bottle" ! ! < 0 "-" and then treated as abs(bottles) ! (we won't be given a negative value) ! ! (where "#" is the numeric value, without commas) begin if want'capitalize then begin if bottles = 0 then say "No bottle" else begin say'num (bottles); say " Bottle"; end; end else begin if bottles = 0 then say "no" else say'num (bottles); say " bottle"; end; if bottles <> 1 then say "s"; end <<say'num proc>>; <<*************************************************************>> procedure say'num (n); value n; integer n; begin outlen := outlen + ascii (n, 10, outbuf' (outlen)); end <<say'num proc>>; <<*************************************************************>> procedure send; begin print (outbuf, -outlen, 0); outlen := 0; end <<send proc>>; <<*************************************************************>> procedure usage; begin define z = ; send; say #; ! ugly, but convenient say " " z "Beerspl ... A program to print the lyrics to the song" z " ""99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall""" z " " z "Usage:" z " run beerspl ... prints song lyrics (to $stdlist)" z " run beerspl, help ... produce this help text" z " run beerspl, version ... display version/author" ; send; end <<usage proc>>; <<*************************************************************>> if false then begin help: usage; terminate; end; if false then begin version: say version'; send; say "Author: "; say author'; send; TERMINATE; end; ! setup control-Y handler ... xcontrap (@cy'handler, old'plabel); ! Note: control-Y will now terminate our program for bottles := 99 step -1 until 0 do begin ! emit: "98 Bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer." ! (with appropriate handling of 0 and 1) say'bottles (bottles, true); say " of beer on the wall, "; say'bottles (bottles, false); say " of beer."; send; if bottles = 0 then begin say "Go to the store and buy some more ..."; ! "..." not in Wikipedia, but obvious from context ! singing style, and grammar send; say'bottles (99, false); say " of beer on the wall!"; send; end else begin if bottles = 1 then say "Take it" else say "Take one"; say " down and pass it around, "; say'bottles (bottles - 1, false); say " of beer on the wall!"; send; send; ! blank line end; end; ! for bottles end.
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