Language StarBasic
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Daniel Hanke |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 1 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | ![]() |
sub Main ' Ninety-nine bottles of beer in StarBasic ' for usage in StarOffice/OpenOffice ' ' Daniel Hanke ' ' June 7, 2002 ' oDesktop = createUnoService("") sUrl = "staroffice.factory:swriter" oDoc = oDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(sURL,"_blank",0,mNoArgs) oText = oDoc.Text oCursor = oText.createTextCursor() dim bottles dim stext oCursor.CharHeight = 18 p(oText,"99 bottles of beer") oCursor.CharHeight = 12 for bottles = 99 to 1 step -1 dim sbottle sbottle = cstr(bottles)+iif(bottles=1," bottle"," bottles") l(oText,sbottle+" of beer on the wall") l(oText,sbottle+" of beer ...") l(oText,"Take one down, pass it around,") l(oText,iif(bottles=1,"No more bottles",cstr(bottles-1)+_ iif(bottles-1=1," bottle"," bottles"))+" of beer on the wall") p(oText,"") next bottles p(oText,"Time 2 go home") end sub sub l(otext as object,stext as string) otext.insertString(oCursor,stext,FALSE) otext.insertControlCharacter(oCursor,_,FALSE) end sub sub p(otext as object,stext as string) otext.insertString(oCursor,stext,FALSE) otext.insertControlCharacter(oCursor,_,FALSE) end sub
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