Language Sybase SQL
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Christopher D. Bain |
URL: | n/a |
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Score: | ![]() |
-- Christopher D. Bain April 2000 -- -- Sybase SQL version of 99 Bottles of Beer -- Has been tested on Sybase 11.5 and 11.9.2 CREATE TABLE #BOTTLES ( DIGIT int, PL_TENS char(1) null, PL_ONES char(1) null ) CREATE TABLE #NOMORE ( DIGIT int, OUT char(8) ) insert into #BOTTLES values(0,null,'s') insert into #BOTTLES values(1,'s',null) insert into #BOTTLES values(2,'s','s') insert into #BOTTLES values(3,'s','s') insert into #BOTTLES values(4,'s','s') insert into #BOTTLES values(5,'s','s') insert into #BOTTLES values(6,'s','s') insert into #BOTTLES values(7,'s','s') insert into #BOTTLES values(8,'s','s') insert into #BOTTLES values(9,'s','s') insert into #NOMORE values(0,'No more') select rtrim(convert(char(2),(tens.digit * 10) + ones.digit)) + " bottle" + substring(tens.pl_tens + ones.pl_ones,1,1) + " of beer on the wall, " + rtrim(convert(char(2),(tens.digit * 10) + ones.digit)) + " bottle" + substring(tens.pl_tens + ones.pl_ones,1,1) + " of beer," + char(10) + "Take one down, pass it around," + char(10) + substring(nm.out + rtrim(convert(char(2),((tens.digit * 10) + ones.digit) - 1)),1,7) + " bottle" + ( select substring(tens2.pl_tens + ones2.pl_ones,1,1) from #BOTTLES ones2, #BOTTLES tens2 where ones2.digit + tens2.digit * 10 = (ones.digit + tens.digit * 10) - 1 ) + " of beer on the wall." + char(10) as "Bottles of Beer" from #BOTTLES tens, #BOTTLES ones, #NOMORE nm where tens.digit * 10 + ones.digit > 0 and (tens.digit * 10 + ones.digit) - 1 *= nm.digit order by tens.digit desc, ones.digit desc drop table #BOTTLES drop table #NOMORE
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