Language Tutor
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Chris Lopez |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 2 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | ![]() |
*--- Chris Lopez - ---* *--- start of code ---* define maxbeer = 99 origin:n1 beer $$ # of beers remaining atloc $$ where to start writing this line nextlin(x) = (x <= (x+100) $mod$ 3200) * mode rewrite calc beer <= maxbeer atloc <= 1 loop . at nextlin(atloc) . showt beer,2 . * Warning: trailing space on following line . write bottles of beer on the wall, . showt beer,2 . write bottles of beer. . at nextlin(atloc) . write Take one down, pass it around. outloop ((beer<=beer-1) < 2) . showt beer-1,2 . write bottles of beer. endloop * write 1 bottle of beer. at nextlin(atloc) write 1 Bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer. Take it down, pass it around, no bottles of beer on the wall. * pause keys=all jumpout q *--- end of code ---*
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