Language Unicon
Date: | 04/19/06 |
Author: | Christian Meurin |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 5 |
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Score: | ![]() |
# Unicon is a "unified extended dialect" of the Icon programming language. # It introduces modern features such as object orientation and such. # Unicon is the successor of Idol, an earlier attempt at Icon OOP. # The current source code has been left alone for nearly 2 years, so # I'm not sure if this is still in development. # # package bottlesofbeer $define BEERMAX 99 $define LOWBEER 1 $define NOBEER 0 class BeerSong() method start_chugging() local beercount beercount := BEERMAX; while beercount >= NOBEER do { # this could be slightly mistyped, but I'm not sure if beercount not LOWBEER then { write (beercount, " bottles of beer on the wall,\n"); write (beercount, " bottles of beer.\n"); } else { write ("One more bottle of beer on the wall,\n"); write ("One more bottle of beer.\n"); } write ("Take one down, pass it around,\n"); case beercount of { 0 : write ("No more bottles of beer on the wall.\n") 1 : write ("One more bottle of beer on the wall.\n") default : write (beercount, " more bottles of beer on the wall.\n") } } write ("Get out of my bar yeh drunk low life!\n"); end end
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while beercount >= LOWBEER do {
I entered the NOBEER constant, oops!
the fact that once the syntax error is fixed and a main procedure
is added, it's an infinite loop. Here's a variant that works
(he claims), although it also uses a few more esoteric features
of Unicon:
procedure main(args)
numBeers := integer(args[1]) | 99
class BeerSong()
method start_chugging(beerMax)
local beerCount
every beerCount := beerMax to 1 by -1 do {
write( (beerCount = 1, "One bottle"
" of beer on the wall,"
write( (beerCount = 1, "One bottle"
" of beer."
write("Take one down, pass it around,"
write(case beerCount of {
1 : "No more bottles"
2 : "One more bottle"
default : (beerCount-1)||" more bottles"
}," of beer on the wall.\n"
Quick test (sorry, I don't see any instructions):
# this is a comment
in turn, is a successor to SNOBOL4.