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Language var'aq

Author:Rune Berge
Score: (3.33 in 24 votes)
(* 99 Bottles of Beer in var'aq *)
(* by Rune Berge                *)

~ bottles { 
  latlh 1 rap'a' "" tam 
    { woD "s" } ghobe'chugh 
  " bottle" tam tlheghrar tam woD 
  " of beer" tlheghrar 
} pong

~ print-verse { 
  latlh latlh bottles tlheghrar " on the wall" tlheghrar cha'
  latlh latlh bottles tlheghrar cha'
  "Take one down and pass it around" cha'
  wa'boqHa' latlh latlh  { "No" } ghobe'chugh latlh bottles tlheghrar " on the wall" tlheghrar cha'

  "" cha' 
  latlh { print-verse } HIja'chugh
} pong

99 print-verse

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>>  Wouter Verhelst said on 01/10/06 19:13:57

Wouter Verhelst You should really have used Klingon function names, too...

>>  Rune Berge said on 01/12/06 13:14:38

Rune Berge Yeah, but I don't speak Klingon...

>>  Tati said on 08/10/06 11:31:56

Tati Here's a pure Klingon version of the same code. The only word I don't know is "Beer", but that's an Earthly drink, so I left it as "beer".

(* 99 balmey vo' Beer Daq var'aq *)
(* Sum Rune Berge / klingon mu'mey Sum Tati *)

~ balmey {
latlh 1 rap'a' "" tam
{ woD "s" } ghobe'chugh
" bal" tam tlheghrar tam woD
" vo' beer" tlheghrar
} pong

~ chuH tlhegh {
latlh latlh bottles tlheghrar " Daq reD" tlheghrar cha'
latlh latlh bottles tlheghrar cha'
"tlhap wa' bIng je juS 'oH bIng" cha'
wa'boqHa' latlh latlh { "ghobe'" } ghobe'chugh latlh balmey tlheghrar " Daq reD" tlheghrar cha'
"" cha'
latlh { chuH tlhegh } HIja'chugh
} pong

99 chuH tlhegh

>>  Pedza said on 03/18/07 00:36:34

Pedza Nerds

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