Language verilog
Date: | 09/14/06 |
Author: | T |
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/* 99 bottles of beer * * Inputs: clock * reset * * Outputs: ascii_out - one character per clock cycle * done - assert after last character sent * * Implemented in synthesizable verilog plus some test bench * code. I tested this with vbs verilog simulator. The output * matches one of the perl versions which I used as a * reference design. * * I plan to run this through physical synthesis to see what * timing looks like. On a 65 nm library, I'm expecting over * 1 GHz clock rate or 10 MB/s (million beers per second). * */ module test_bench; wire [7:0] ascii_out; wire done; reg reset; reg clock; bottles bottles99(ascii_out, done, reset, clock); always@(clock) clock <= #5 ~clock; always@(posedge clock) if(!reset && !done) $write("%s",ascii_out); always@(done) if(done) $finish; initial begin clock = 1; reset = 1; #1; #10; reset = 0; #1000000; $finish; // Never reached. end endmodule module bottles(ascii_out, done, reset, clock); output [7:0] ascii_out; output done; input reset; input clock; wire [15:0] beer_count; // 2 digits of ascii. wire take_one_down; wire [6:0] index; beer_counter beer_counter1(beer_count, take_one_down, reset, clock); get_char get_char1(ascii_out, index, beer_count, done, reset); beer_machine beer_sm1(index, done, take_one_down, beer_count, reset, clock); endmodule module beer_counter(beer_count, take_one_down, reset, clock); output [15:0] beer_count; // 2 digits of ascii. input take_one_down; input reset; input clock; reg [15:0] beer_count; always@(posedge clock) begin if(reset) beer_count = "99"; else begin if(take_one_down) begin if(beer_count == "01") beer_count = "No"; else begin if(beer_count[15:8] == "0") begin beer_count[15:8] = "9"; beer_count[ 7:0] = beer_count[ 7:0] - 1; end else beer_count[15:8] = beer_count[15:8] - 1; end end end end endmodule module get_char(ascii_out, index, beer_count, done, reset); output [7:0] ascii_out; input [6:0] index; input [15:0] beer_count; // 2 digits of ascii. input done; input reset; parameter NEWLINE = 8'h0a; wire [1023:0] message; assign message[ 15: 0] = beer_count; assign message[ 247: 16] = " bottles of beer on the wall,"; assign message[ 255: 248] = NEWLINE; assign message[ 271: 256] = beer_count; assign message[ 407: 272] = " bottles of beer,"; assign message[ 415: 408] = NEWLINE; assign message[ 655: 416] = "Take one down, pass it around,"; assign message[ 663: 656] = NEWLINE; assign message[ 679: 664] = beer_count; assign message[ 911: 680] = " bottles of beer on the wall."; assign message[ 919: 912] = NEWLINE; assign message[ 927: 920] = NEWLINE; wire [511:0] msg_l1; wire [255:0] msg_l2; wire [127:0] msg_l3; wire [63:0] msg_l4; wire [31:0] msg_l5; wire [15:0] msg_l6; wire [7:0] msg_l7; mux2 #(512) m1(msg_l1[511:0], index[6], message[1023:512], message[511:0]); mux2 #(256) m2(msg_l2[255:0], index[5], msg_l1[ 511:256], msg_l1[255:0]); mux2 #(128) m3(msg_l3[127:0], index[4], msg_l2[ 255:128], msg_l2[127:0]); mux2 #( 64) m4(msg_l4[ 63:0], index[3], msg_l3[ 127: 64], msg_l3[ 63:0]); mux2 #( 32) m5(msg_l5[ 31:0], index[2], msg_l4[ 63: 32], msg_l4[ 31:0]); mux2 #( 16) m6(msg_l6[ 15:0], index[1], msg_l5[ 31: 16], msg_l5[ 15:0]); mux2 #( 8) m7(msg_l7[ 7:0], index[0], msg_l6[ 15: 8], msg_l6[ 7:0]); always@(msg_l7 or done or reset) if(reset || done) ascii_out = 8'h00; else ascii_out = msg_l7; endmodule module mux2 (o, sel, i1, i0); parameter width = 1; output [width-1:0] o; input sel; input [width-1:0] i1; input [width-1:0] i0; wire [width-1:0] o; assign o = ({width{sel}} & i1) | ({width{~sel}} & i0); endmodule module beer_machine( index, done, take_one_down, beer_count, reset, clock); output [6:0] index; output done; output take_one_down; input [15:0] beer_count; // 2 digits of ascii. input reset; input clock; parameter FIRST_CHAR = 7'h00, FIRST_CHAR_NO_TENS = 7'h01, SKIP_TENS_A = 7'd31, SKIP_TENS_B = 7'd82, SKIP_PLURAL_A = 7'd08, SKIP_PLURAL_B = 7'd40, SKIP_PLURAL_C = 7'd91, TAKE_ONE_DOWN = 7'd52, LAST_CHAR = 7'd115; reg [6:0] current_state; reg [6:0] next_state; reg done; reg take_one_down; wire [6:0] index = current_state; always@(posedge clock) if(reset) current_state <= 0; else current_state <= next_state; always@(current_state or beer_count or reset) begin next_state = current_state + 1; done = 1'b0; take_one_down = 1'b0; case(current_state) LAST_CHAR: begin if(beer_count == "No") begin next_state = LAST_CHAR; done = 1'b1; end else if(beer_count[7:0] == "0") next_state = FIRST_CHAR_NO_TENS; else next_state = FIRST_CHAR; end TAKE_ONE_DOWN: begin take_one_down = 1'b1; end SKIP_TENS_A: begin if(beer_count[7:0] == "0") next_state = SKIP_TENS_A + 2; end SKIP_TENS_B: begin if(beer_count[7:0] == "0") next_state = SKIP_TENS_B + 2; end SKIP_PLURAL_A: begin if(beer_count == "01") next_state = SKIP_PLURAL_A + 2; end SKIP_PLURAL_B: begin if(beer_count == "01") next_state = SKIP_PLURAL_B + 2; end SKIP_PLURAL_C: begin if(beer_count == "01") next_state = SKIP_PLURAL_C + 2; end endcase end endmodule
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