Language Visual Foxpro
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Richard Katz |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | (2.93 in 44 votes) |
******************************************** * TAKE1DN.PRG (For Visual Foxpro) * * 99 Bottles: A simulation * * Richard Katz * * * ******************************************** wall=createobject("dispcontainer")"wall" clear ************************************** * First put the beer on the wall. for i=1 to 99 oname="b"+ltri(str(i)) wall.addobject(oname,"bottle") endfor ************************************** * So we can get what's in the bottles... obcont=wall.objects(1).content *************************************** * And away we go. do while wall.controlcount>0 ? wall.dispself(), "of",obcont,"on the",lower("," ? wall.dispself(), "of", obcont wall.removeobject(wall.objects(wall.controlcount).name) ? wall.dispself(), "of", obcont if wall.controlcount>0 ?? ", Oh..." endif enddo define class dispcontainer as container proc dispself return ltri(str(this.controlcount))+" "+this.dispobj() proc dispobj if this.controlcount>0 obout=lower(this.objects(1).class) else obout="nothing" endif if this.controlcount<>1 obout=obout+"s" endif return obout enddefine define class bottle as custom content="beer" proc destroy ? "take one down, pass it around." endproc enddefine
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