Language Vulcan.NET
(CA Visual Objects for .NET)
Date: | 05/26/08 |
Author: | Russell Diehl |
URL: | n/a |
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USING System USING System.ServiceProcess USING System.Diagnostics USING System.Timers FUNCTION Start() AS VOID ServiceBase.Run(VulcanService{}) RETURN CLASS VulcanService INHERIT ServiceBase PROTECTED timer AS Timer CONSTRUCTOR() CLASS VulcanService SUPER() CanPauseAndContinue := TRUE ServiceName := "Vulcan Sample Service" timer := Timer{} timer:Interval := 10000 timer:Elapsed += ElapsedEventHandler{SELF, @VulcanService.OnTimer} RETURN METHOD OnContinue() AS VOID CLASS VulcanService EventLog:WriteEntry("Vulcan Sample Service continued") timer:Enabled := TRUE RETURN METHOD OnPause() AS VOID CLASS VulcanService EventLog:WriteEntry("Vulcan Sample Service paused") timer:Enabled := FALSE RETURN METHOD OnStart(args AS STRING[]) AS VOID CLASS VulcanService EventLog:WriteEntry("Vulcan Sample Service started") timer:Enabled := TRUE RETURN METHOD OnStop() AS VOID CLASS VulcanService EventLog:WriteEntry("Vulcan Sample Service stopped") timer:Enabled := FALSE RETURN METHOD OnTimer(source AS OBJECT, e AS ElapsedEventArgs) AS VOID CLASS VulcanService EventLog:WriteEntry("Hello Vulcan!") RETURN
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