Language X-GUI scripting language
Date: | 05/19/05 |
Author: | Marinus Oosters |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | ![]() |
; 99.xsf ; Author: Marinus Oosters ; 99 Bottles of Beer in the X-GUI scripting language ; X-GUI can be found at: ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SECTION INFO WINX1 = 0 WINY1 = 0 WINX2 = 259 WINY1 = 116 WINTL = "99 bottles of beer" END SECTION REFRESHED PRN 2,2,"Next>>",0,7 3DBOX 0,0,52,17,0,1,-1 PRN 1,20," ",7,7 PRN 1,20,BOTTLES%,0,7 PRN 24,20,W$,0,7 PRN 1,38," ",7,7 PRN 1,38,BOTTLES%,0,7 PRN 24,38,B$,0,7 PRN 1,56,T$,0,7 MOV V%,BOTTLES% SUB V%,1 PRN 1,74," ",7,7 PRN 1,74,V%,0,7 PRN 24,74,X$,0,7 END SECTION LOOPED CMP BOTTLES%,0 JNE CONTINUE MBX "No more bottles of beer on the wall!","Out of beer","Buy more","Stop drinking",R% CMP R%,1 JE MORE SYSTEM MORE: MOV BOTTLES%,99 CONTINUE: MBP X%,Y%,B%,1 CMP X%,0 JB NOCLICK CMP X%,52 JA NOCLICK CMP Y%,0 JB NOCLICK CMP Y%,17 JA NOCLICK SUB BOTTLES%,1 CMP BOTTLES%,9 JNE NOCLICK LINE 0,0,259,116,7,3 NOCLICK: PRN 2,2,"Next>>",0,7 3DBOX 0,0,52,17,0,1,-1 PRN 1,20," ",7,7 PRN 1,20,BOTTLES%,0,7 PRN 24,20,W$,0,7 PRN 1,38," ",7,7 PRN 1,38,BOTTLES%,0,7 PRN 24,38,B$,0,7 PRN 1,56,T$,0,7 MOV V%,BOTTLES% SUB V%,1 PRN 1,74," ",7,7 PRN 1,74,V%,0,7 PRN 24,74,X$,0,7 END SECTION CLOSED MBX "Hey! You still have to pay! Come back!","","No way!","",R% END SECTION DATA W$ "bottles of beer on the wall," B$ "bottles of beer," T$ "Take one down, pass it around" X$ "bottles of beer on the wall." V% 0 X% 0 Y% 0 B% 0 R% 0 BOTTLES% 99 END
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