Language X10 1.7
(IBM language for DARPA HPCS)
Date: | 05/04/10 |
Author: | James LaGrone |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | ![]() |
/*********************************************************************** * X10 implementation of "99 bottles of beer" * * by James LaGrone (with a few ideas from the Chapel version) * * compiles and runs with x10 compiler version 1.7.7 with Java backend * * x10c -commandlineonly NinetyNineBottles.x10 * ***********************************************************************/ public class NinetyNineBottles{ public static def main(args: Rail[String]){ val beerSong: NinetyNineBottles = NinetyNineBottles.make(99); beerSong.create(); beerSong.sing(); } var numVerses: Int; var verses: Array[String]{rank==1}; var bottles: Int; public static def make(var numBottles: Int){ val s = new NinetyNineBottles(); s.numVerses = numBottles + 1; val verses: Region{rank==1} = [1..s.numVerses]; s.verses = Array.make[String](verses, (Point) => new String()); s.bottles = numBottles; return s; } public def create(){ finish ateach ( (p):Point in verses ){ val wallCount = bottles - p + 1; verses(p) = createVerse( p ) ; } return; } public def sing(){ for ( (p):Point in verses ){ Console.OUT.println(verses(p)); } return; } public def createVerse(var verseNum: Int): String{ val lineA:String, lineB:String; val wallCount = bottles - (verseNum - 1); val nextWallCount = (wallCount + numVerses - 1)%numVerses; if (wallCount > 0) { lineA = line(wallCount); lineB = lineA; }else{ lineA = "No " + line(wallCount); lineB = "no " + line(wallCount); } return lineA + " on the wall, " + lineB + ".\n" + action(wallCount) + line(nextWallCount) + " on the wall.\n"; } public static def line(val numBottles:Int):String{ switch(numBottles){ case 0: return "more bottles of beer"; case 1: return numBottles + " bottle of beer"; default: return numBottles + " bottles of beer"; } } public static def action(val numBottles:Int):String{ if (numBottles==0) return "Go to the store and buy some more, "; else return "Take one down and pass it around, "; } }
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