Language XQuery
(The XML Query Language)
Date: | 10/23/05 |
Author: | Martin Probst |
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Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | (2.60 in 10 votes) |
(: : XQuery version of 99 bottles of beer : author: Martin Probst <martin [at]> : Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2005-10-23 :) xquery version "1.0"; (: Set to false if you dislike angle brackets :) declare variable $xmlVersion as xs:boolean := true(); (:~ : Generate an english language string from the number of bottles, : respecting singular/plural. : : @param $bottles number of bottles :) declare function bottles($bottles as xs:integer) as xs:string { if ($bottles = 0) then "no more bottles of beer" else if ($bottles = 1) then "1 bottle" else concat($bottles cast as xs:string, " bottles") }; (:~ : Generate a "bottle line" : : @param $bottles number of bottles :) declare function bottleLine($bottles as xs:integer) as xs:string { if ($bottles = 0) then "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer." else concat(bottles($bottles), " of beer on the wall, ", bottles($bottles), " of beer.") }; (:~ : Generate a "drink line" : : @param $bottles number of bottles :) declare function drinkLine($bottles as xs:integer) as xs:string { concat("Take one down and pass it around, ", bottles($bottles), " of beer on the wall.") }; let $song := <song>{ (: Generate bottles :) let $bottles := <bottles> { for $i in 0 to 99 return <bottle>{ $i }</bottle> } </bottles> (: Iterate bottles :) for $bottle in $bottles/bottle let $bottleNum := xs:integer($bottle) order by $bottleNum descending return if ($bottleNum != 0) then <verse> <line>{ bottleLine($bottleNum) }</line> <line>{ drinkLine ($bottleNum - 1) }</line> </verse> else <verse> <line>No more bottle of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.</line> <line>Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.</line> </verse> }</song> return if ($xmlVersion) then $song else string($song)
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Alternative Versions
Version | Author | Date | Comments | Rate |
Version using iterative FLOWR | David Sewell | 12/28/05 | 0 |
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