<$- Duo HTML -$> 99 Bottles of Beer <$SET looper 100> <$LOOP looper> <$ESET nr 100> <$CALC nr - $looper.#> <$ESET nr $nr.atoi()> <$ESET nrnext $nr> <$CALC nrnext - 1> <$ESET nrnext $nrnext.atoi()> <$IF nr = 0> No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.
Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
<$ELSE> <$IF nr > 1><$SET bottles "bottles"><$/IF> <$IF nr = 1><$SET bottles "bottle"><$/IF> <$DVAL0 nr> <$VAL bottles> of beer on the wall, <$DVAL0 nr> <$VAL bottles> of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, <$IF nrnext > 0> <$IF nrnext > 1><$SET bottles "bottles"><$/IF> <$IF nrnext = 1><$SET bottles "bottle"><$/IF> <$DVAL0 nrnext> <$VAL bottles> <$ELSE> no more bottles <$/IF> of beer on the wall.