99 Bottles of Beer in Bullfrog By Ryan Kuserny http://members.tripod.com/rkusnery/index.html 99 beer: dup outn bottles doutsn wall doutsn dup outn bottles doutsn dots doutsn -- dup --!(onlyone morebeer-)*morebeer+jump morebeer: dup outn bottles doutsn wall doutsn 10 out beer jump onlyone: onebottle doutsn wall doutsn 10 out onebottle doutsn wall doutsn onebottle doutsn dots doutsn nomore doutsn bottles doutsn wall doutsn end bottles: " bottles of beer" datab 0 wall: " on the wall. " datab 0 dots: "... Take one down, pass it around, " datab 0 onebottle: "One bottle of beer" datab 0 nomore: "No more" datab 0