Project: 99 Bottles of Beer Author: Tim Locke Scratch: 1.1 Notes: History: 2007-5-31 23:16:08 save 99 Bottles of Beer Tim Locke Totals: Sprites: 1 Stacks: 3 Unique costumes: 2 Unique sounds: 0 -------- Sprite: Stage Costumes (1): brick-wall1 (480x360) Sounds (0): Stacks (1): when green flag clicked set bottles to 99 forever broadcast "sing" and wait end -------- Sprite: Sprite1 Costumes (1): bottle_of_beer (21x82) Sounds (0): Stacks (2): when I receive "sing" broadcast "bottles" and wait if bottles = 1 say bottle of beer on the wall, for 1.5 secs else say bottles of beer on the wall, for 1.5 secs broadcast "bottles" and wait if bottles = 1 say bottle of beer. for 1.5 secs else say bottles of beer. for 1.5 secs if bottles = 0 say Go to the store and buy some more, for 2 secs set bottles to 99 else say Take one down and pass it around, for 2 secs change bottles by -1 broadcast "bottles" and wait if bottles = 1 say bottle of beer on the wall. for 2 secs else say bottles of beer on the wall. for 1.5 secs wait 0.5 secs stop script end when I receive "bottles" if bottles = 0 say No more for 0.66 secs else say bottles for 0.66 secs stop script end --------