Pro beer ;; Demonstrate IDL's array mapping on the 99-bottles-of-beer lyrics. ;; usage: ;; IDL> .compile ;; IDL> beer numbeer = 99-indgen(99) beers = [strtrim(string(numbeer), 2), "No"] bottles = [replicate(" bottles", 98), " bottle", " bottles"] doaction= [replicate("Take one down and pass it around, ", 99), "Go to the store and buy some more, "] newline = string(10b)+string(13b) print, beers + bottles + " of beer on the wall, " + $ strlowcase(beers) + bottles +" of beer." + $ newline + $ doaction + $ strlowcase(shift(beers,-1)) + shift(bottles,-1) + " of beer on the wall." + $ newline ;; Note the most elegent use of the ;; beer-consuming, auto-buying shift function. End