G4C BEERSONG /* =============================================================== Description: Sing that beer beer song in GUI4CLI Language Home: www.gui4cli.com Author: Steyner Email: toennishoff@liqui.net =============================================================== */ WINDOW 893 16 300 200 "99 Bottles of Beer" WINATTR STYLE GRAY XONLOAD GUIOPEN #this FOR x 1 99 //Cycle through the stanzas y = $(100 - $x) IF $y = 2 s = "s" ss = "" ELSEIF $y = 1 s = "" ss = "s" ELSE s = "s" ss = "s" ENDIF USE EDBOX #this Output EDBOX ADD "$y bottle$s of beer on the wall,\r\n" EDBOX ADD "$y bottle$s of beer.\r\n" EDBOX ADD "Take one down and pass it around,\r\n" EDBOX ADD "$($y -1) bottle$ss of beer on the wall.\r\n\r\n" ENDFOR XONCLOSE GUIQUIT #this // =============================================================== // Visual Events // =============================================================== XEDBOX 10 10 280 180 $bl ATTR STYLE READONLY ATTR ID Output