'Define Variables - this appears to bey very loosely typed? bottles = 99 next_bottles = 0 bottle_text = " bottle" bottles_text = " bottles" text1 = " of beer" text2 = " on the wall" text3 = "Take one down, pass it around" text4 = "No more" text5 = "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 " text_line = " " full_stop = ". " comma = ", " 'Loop - 1 iteration per count until we've done all. For bottles = 99 To 1 Step -1 next_bottles = bottles - 1 If bottles = 2 Then TextWindow.WriteLine(bottles + bottle_text + text1 + text2 + comma + bottles + bottles_text + text1 + full_stop) TextWindow.WriteLine(text3+ " " + next_bottles + bottle_text + text1 + text2 + full_stop) Else If bottles = 1 Then ' TextWindow.WriteLine(bottles) TextWindow.WriteLine(bottles + bottle_text + text1 + text2 + comma + bottles + text1 + full_stop) TextWindow.WriteLine(text3 + comma + text4 + bottles_text + text1 + text2 + full_stop) TextWindow.WriteLine(text4 + bottles_text + text1 + text2 + comma + text4 + bottles_text + text1 + full_stop) TextWindow.WriteLine(text5 + bottles_text + text1 + text2 + full_stop) Else 'TextWindow.WriteLine(bottles) TextWindow.WriteLine(bottles + bottles_text + text1 + text2 + comma + bottles + bottles_text + text1 + full_stop) TextWindow.WriteLine(text3 + " " + next_bottles + bottles_text + text1 + text2 + full_stop) EndIf EndIf EndFor