$! 99 bottles of beer $! Written for VMS DCL by rsteenw@xs4all.nl $! $! $fao is a system lexical function, where FAO stands for $! Formatted ASCII Output. There's a fair bunch of these $! functions accessible via DCL (the command interpreter), $! like querying system, device, process and user parameters, $! string and list manipulation, file system foo, and more. $! $ cnt = 99 $ msg = f$fao("!UB bottle!1%C!%Es!%F of beer", cnt) $ loop: $ write sys$output f$fao("!AS on the wall!/!-!AS", msg) $ write sys$output "Take one down and pass it around" $ cnt = cnt - 1 $ if cnt .gt. 0 $ then $ msg = f$fao("!UB bottle!1%C!%Es!%F of beer", cnt) $ write sys$output f$fao("!AS on the wall!/", msg) $ wait 00:00:02 $ goto loop $ else $ write sys$output "No more bottles of beer on the wall" $ endif