1 EXTEND 10 ! Basic Plus version of 99 bottles of beer Modified by George Hames (george.hames@ihs.com) from prior versions found on this site. 1000 FOR BOTTLES% = 99% TO 1% STEP -1% \ PRINT BOTTLES%; "bottle"; \ PRINT "s"; UNLESS BOTTLES% = 1% \ PRINT " of beer on the wall,"; BOTTLES%; "bottle"; \ PRINT "s"; UNLESS BOTTLES% = 1% \ PRINT " of beer" \ PRINT "Take one down and pass it around," \ PRINT BOTTLES% - 1%; "bottle"; IF BOTTLES% > 1% \ PRINT " no more bottles"; IF BOTTLES% = 1% \ PRINT "s"; IF BOTTLES% > 2% \ PRINT " of beer on the wall" \ NEXT bottles% 32767 END