NEWLIB is a programming aid that operates as a command processor in the Time Sharing Option (TSO) environment. (Mostly based on PL/I, therefore the similarity.) It is used at DESY/Hamburg and KEK/Tsukuba. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ 21/02/96 602211216 MEMBER NAME < 1 THEN IF N0 > 1 SHOW N1||' BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL' SHOW N1||' BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL' SHOW N1||' BOTTLES OF BEER' ELSE SHOW '1 BOTTLE OF BEER ON THE WALL' SHOW '1 BOTTLE OF BEER ON THE WALL' SHOW '1 BOTTLE OF BEER' ENDIF SHOW 'TAKE 1 DOWN AND PASS IT ALL AROUND' END SHOW '0 BOTTLES OF BEER ON THE WALL' RESTORE