The UNIX stream editor. The creator of sed didn't think it's interesting to edit empty files, so this needs some kind of input, e.g. echo '' | sed -f 99.sed 1{ s/.*/99 bottles of beer on the wall/ h : x p s/ on.*// p s/.*/take :&: down, pass it around/ /one/{ s/:.*:/it/ p g s/on\(.*le\)/no mor\1s/ p s/.*// q } s/:.*:/one/ p g y/1234567890/0123456789/ /^.[0-8] /{ s/^.// x s/\(.\).*/\1/ G s/\n// } s/^0// s/^1\( .*le\)s/one\1/ h p s/.*// p g b x }