SUB main() REM "99 bottles of beer", Superbase SBL version REM written by Mark Pilgrim, REM [ If my boss is reading this, I'd just like to reassure REM him that I wrote this on my own time. -MP ] DIM i%%,beer$,bottle$ OPEN WINDOW "99 bottles of beer" bottle$ = " bottles " beer$ = "99" FOR i%% = 99 TO 1 STEP - 1 ? beer$ + bottle$ + "of beer on the wall," ? beer$ + bottle$ + "of beer," ? "Take " + IF (i%% > 1,"one","it") + " down, pass it around," IF i%% > 1 THEN beer$ = LTRIM$ ( TRIM$ ( STR$ (i%% - 1))) IF i%% = 2 THEN bottle$ = " bottle " ? beer$ + bottle$ + "of beer on the wall." ? ELSE ? "No more bottles of beer on the wall." END IF NEXT END SUB