-- Forceshock version of 99 Bottles of Beer -- By Mike Gogulski 21 March 2005 -- Forceshock is an embedded scripting language for game hacking, based on Lua -- -- Tested with: -- Forceshock Pro 0.993 (http://www.forceshock.net/) -- under Windows 2000 (http://www.microsoft.com/) -- -- Save as 99bottles.fss on your desktop and double-click the file OpenConsole() SetConsoleTitle("99 Bottles of Beer") bottles = 99 while bottles > 0 do PrintConsoleLine(IntToStr(bottles).." bottles of beer on the wall,") PrintConsoleLine(IntToStr(bottles).." bottles of beer!") PrintConsoleLine("Take one down, pass it around,") bottles = bottles - 1 PrintConsoleLine(IntToStr(bottles).." bottles of beer on the wall!") end