Compact: [100Q]sy[ of beer]so[la[[[No more]P]sg]sc[n]sgdd0=clgx [ bottle]Pla1!=m]sb[[s]P]sm99sa[lbxloP[ on the wall, ] PlbxloP[.]P10aP[Take one down and pass it around. ]Pla 1-salbxloP[ on the wall.]P10adPPla0=ylfx]dsfxq Clean: [100 Q]sy [ of beer]so [ la [[[No more]P]sg]sc [n]sg dd 0 =c lg x [ bottle]P la 1 !=m ]sb [[s]P]sm 99 sa [ lb x lo P [ on the wall, ]P lb x lo P [.] P 10a P [Take one down and pass it around. ]P la 1 - sa lb x lo P [ on the wall.] P 10a d PP la 0=y lf x ] d sf x q