Dim bottles as Integer Dim text as String screen 12 declare sub dprint(text as string) For bottles = 99 to 1 Step -1 text=ltrim$(str$(bottles))+" bottle(s) of beer on the wall . . ." dprint text text=ltrim$(str$(bottles))+" bottles(s) of beer!" dprint text text="Take one down, pass it around . . ." dprint text text=ltrim$(str$(bottles-1))+" bottle(s) of beer on the wall!" dprint text print next Sub dprint(text as string) Dim scroll as integer static scrollold for i = 1 to len(text) getmouse null,null,scroll If scroll25 Then scroll=25 Elseif scroll<0 Then scroll=0 End IF PRINT mid$(text,i,1); sleep 50-(scroll*2) if inkey$=CHR$(255)+"k" Then end next i print end sub Sleep End