Local lyricSheet,startBottles,bottles,feelingSick=false on mouseUp singBottles 99 end mouseUp on singBottles howManyBottles put howManyBottles into bottles put howManyBottles into startBottles repeat until feelingSick countBottles makeSure drinkOne checkTheresSomeLeft end repeat put lyricSheet end singBottles on countBottles if bottles > 1 then put bottles && "bottles of beer on the wall, " after lyricSheet else if bottles = 1 then put bottles && "more bottle of beer on the wall, " after lyricSheet else put "No more bottles of beer on the wall, " after lyricSheet end if end countBottles on makeSure if bottles > 1 then put bottles && "bottles of beer." & cr after lyricSheet else if bottles = 1 then put bottles && "more bottle of beer." & cr after lyricSheet else put "No more bottles of beer." & cr after lyricSheet end if end makeSure on drinkOne if bottles > 1 then put "Take one down and pass it around, " after lyricSheet else if bottles = 1 then put "Take it down and pass it around, " after lyricSheet else put "Go to the shtore and buy shome more, " after lyricSheet end if subtract 1 from bottles end drinkOne on checkTheresSomeLeft if bottles > 1 then put bottles && "bottles of beer on the wall." & cr & cr after lyricSheet else if bottles = 1 then put bottles && "more bottle of beer on the wall." & cr & cr after lyricSheet else if bottles = 0 then put "No more bottles of beer on the wall." & cr & cr after lyricSheet else put startBottles into bottles put bottles && "bottlesh of beer on the wall!" after lyricSheet put true into feelingSick end if end checkTheresSomeLeft