Language Action!
Date: | 11/22/07 |
Author: | Michal Kaczmarczyk |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 2 |
Info: |! |
Score: | (2.83 in 23 votes) |
; 99 bottles of beer ; Action! version ; by Michal Kaczmarczyk ; (this is an Atari 8-bit ; programming language) PROC Main() CARD i i=99 WHILE i>0 DO PrintC(i) Print(" bottle") IF i<>1 THEN Print("s") FI PrintE(" of beer on the wall,") PrintC(i) Print(" bottle") IF i<>1 THEN Print("s") FI PrintE(" of beer,") PrintE("Take one down, pass it around,") i==-1 IF i=0 THEN Print("No") ELSE PrintC(i) FI Print(" bottle") IF i<>1 THEN Print("s") FI PrintE(" of beer on the wall.") PrintE() OD RETURN
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Michal Kaczmarczyk said on 11/23/07 15:01:51
If you want to load this program into Atari you must change the newlines to ATASCII ones (code 155 decimal, or 9B hexadecimal).
Igor mc rams said on 05/28/08 12:36:11
hello, I'm looking for one Michal Kaczmarczyk. Are you this person ? Are you the son of Olga ? Thank you for your answer. Igor.