Language ALAN
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Stephen Griffiths |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | (2.68 in 25 votes) |
-- "99 Bottles of Beer" ALAN (v2.x) version -- Stephen Griffiths, 1999 -- ALAN is a text adventure authoring system -- webpage at LOCATION Wall NAME '99' Bottles 'of' Beer HAS Bottles 99. END LOCATION. EVENT Sing "$p" SAY Bottles OF Wall. "bottle" IF Bottles OF Wall > 1 THEN "$$s" END IF. "of beer on the wall," "$n" SAY Bottles OF Wall. "bottle" IF Bottles OF Wall > 1 THEN "$$s" END IF. "of beer." "$nTake" IF Bottles OF Wall > 1 THEN "one" ELSE "it" END IF. "down, pass it around," DECREASE Bottles OF Wall. IF Bottles OF Wall > 0 THEN "$n" SAY Bottles OF Wall. "bottle" IF Bottles OF Wall > 1 THEN "$$s" END IF. "of beer on the wall." SCHEDULE Sing AFTER 0. ELSE "$nNo bottles of beer on the wall," "$nNo bottles of beer." QUIT. END IF. END EVENT. START AT Wall. SCHEDULE Sing AFTER 0.
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