Language ao
(alternative version)
Date: | 10/29/05 |
Author: | Arturo Borquez E. |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | (3.02 in 239 votes) |
# COMBINATORS USED --------------------------- [? '\n' ?] ?n OP [(x) x x x] X3 OP [(_)] X- OP [-> (_ x) x] ->> OP [(f i c) [i] [i c <] [] [i f . i 1 -] REC] Downto OP [{atoi(0 @Str) - Int}] Atoi OP # THE BOTTLES PROGRAM ------------------------ [X- "Take one down, pass it around, No more bottles of beer on the wall!\n" ?n] Nomore OP ["Take one down, pass it around, " ? 1 - ? " bottle(s) of beer on the wall.\n" ?n] Beers OP [X3 ? " bottle(s) of beer on the wall," ?n ? " bottle(s) of beer." ?n [1 =] [Nomore] [Beers] IFTE] ARGC 2 = [ARGV 1 ->> Atoi] [1] IFTE 1 Downto
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