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Language Assembler x86 (TASM Flavour)

(Demonstration of metaprogramming in TASM)

Author:Vladimir V. Kalashnikov
Score: (3.07 in 29 votes)
; "99 Stanzas on how to drink beer ;-)" TASM v3.0 (x86 assembler)

        .model  tiny

        org     100h

start:  call    print

stanza  macro   howmany,what
        db      '&howmany','&what',13,10
        display '&howmany&&what'

bottles =       99
        rept    99
        stanza  %bottles,< bottles of beer on the wall>
        stanza  %bottles,< bottles of beer>
        stanza  ,<take one down, pass it around>
bottles =       bottles-1
        stanza  %bottles,< bottles of beer on the wall>
        stanza  0,< bottles of beer>
        stanza  ,<go to the store and buy some more>
        db      '$'

print:  pop     dx
        mov     ah,9
        int     21h

        end     start

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>>  toss said on 07/09/06 03:16:59

toss very clean and pretty code! :)

>>  SinisterBen said on 08/22/07 02:14:28

SinisterBen Very nice sire. I couldn't have done better myself! Great stuff.

>>  hell0g said on 04/13/09 15:16:36

hell0g it's fake. code is not asm, it's macros

>>  mix_mix said on 02/26/10 19:46:41

mix_mix Nice. But in fact it's just a macro which creates a very long string contains the song's lyrics. So it looks like 'print("99 bottles of beer on the wall....";)' in C.

>>  Vladimir V. Kalashnikov said on 08/24/10 13:59:46

Vladimir V. Kalashnikov hell0g and mix_mix - It's not fake.

The prime reason to write this code was to demonstrate Tasm metaprogramming abilities. You should review the code and take notice on this: the stanzas are printed twice. First one during the compilation and second one during the usual run from the command prompt.

So, yes, this program is macros. The result is one big string. But this string is displayed during the compilation! That was the reason and intended one!

You are neglectful, guys.

>>  barrym said on 08/25/10 06:06:00

barrym @vladimir: While I agree with you that hell0g and mix_mix are being slightly harsh,
the fact remains that your code (IMO it's legitimate code) doesn't handle the
singular case of "1 bottle" correctly and should be revised accordingly. Good luck!

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