Language Cheetah
Date: | 06/10/06 |
Author: | Ilan Schnell |
URL: | |
Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | (2.33 in 3 votes) |
#* * Author: Ilan Schnell * * Description: Fully compliant (including last verse) version of * 99 Bottles of Beer. * * Run: cheetah fill beer.tmpl * * More details: *# #for $n in range(99,0,-1) $beers($n) on the wall, $beers($n). Take one down and pass it around, $beers($n-1) on the wall. #end for No more bottles of beer on the wall, $beers(0). Go to the store and buy some more, $beers(99) on the wall. #def beers($n) #if $n==0 no more bottles#slurp #else #set $s = n != 1 and 's' or '' $n bottle$s#slurp #end if of beer#slurp #end def
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