Language Chrome
Date: | 04/19/06 |
Author: | Christian Meurin |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 2 |
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Score: | (2.20 in 5 votes) |
(* Chrome is an Object Pascal variant that runs on the .NET platform. It is inspired by Delphi.NET and adds several new language features. Although a Chrome application normally includes an AssemblyInfo.pas file, I felt it was insignificant for a 99 Bottles of Beer example. This example utilizes Chrome v1.5, which can be found at: *) namespace BottlesOfBeer; interface uses System; // from the .NET framework that is... type LetsStartChugging = public class {$REGION Declarations} // Not necessary, just for show off public constructor; class method Main(Args: array of String); end; {$ENDREGION} implementation constructor LetsStartChugging; begin // Does nothing, but just shows how Chrome constructors are used. end; [STAThread] // Apparently needed for .NET application Main method class method LetsStartChugging.Main(Args: array of String); var GotAlcoholPoisoning: Boolean; BeerStock: Integer; begin for BeerStock := 99 downto 0 do begin if BeerStock > 1 then begin Console.WriteLine(BeerStock + ' bottles of beer on the wall,'); Console.WriteLine(BeerStock + ' bottles of beer.'); end else begin Console.WriteLine('One more bottle of beer on the wall,'); Console.WriteLine('One more bottle of beer.'); end Console.WriteLine('Take one down, pass it around,'); if BeerStock = 1 then begin Console.WriteLine('One more bottle of beer on the wall.'); else begin Console.WriteLine(BeerStock + ' more bottles of beer on the wall.'); end end Console.WriteLine('<passes out from drinking too much>'); end end.
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Chris said on 04/19/06 16:14:10
Whoops, I have an unused boolean variable in there. :-\
vakninir said on 04/29/09 23:37:55
you have an error...
because the 'BeerStock' goes down only when he gets to the for...
it will cause the next situation:
"99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer
you take one down, pass it around, 99 bottles of beer on the wall"
it take the count down only every new line... which is not good...
plus u do waaaaay to much newline... but that's not really a problem...