Language C#
(corporate style)
Date: | 08/16/09 |
Author: | veteran corporate coder |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | (2.95 in 38 votes) |
// 99 bottles of beer in typical Fortune 500 style c#/.Net // from a 20 year veteran of corporate cubicle-dwelling coding // purpose of this sample: give a flavor of c# and defensive programming using System; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; // todo: find a way to do something with regexp to increase runtime scalability namespace _99bottles { class EnglishLyrics // purpose: contain lyrics localized for user's selected language // note: in the future, obtain lyrics with web service call to international lyrics element server { public static string NoBeer { get { return "Can't sing, no beer!"; }} public static string Restock { get { return "Go to the store and buy some more"; }} public static string Substance { get { return " of beer"; } } public static string Location { get { return EnglishLyrics.Substance + " on the wall"; } } public static string Distribution { get { return "Take one down and pass it around"; } } public static string AllOut { get { return "no more bottles"; } } public static string Singular { get { return "1 bottle";}} public static string Plural { get { return "bottles"; } } } class SongUtilities // API for utility functions that can be used with any song { public static string capitalizeFirst(string Source) { return char.ToUpper(Source[0]) + Source.Substring(1); } } class Program // generate song lyrics and display to standard out then wait for user to press any key // notice: may need to redirect standard out to text file as console may not be able to show 99 bottles worth of verses { static void Main(string[] args) // todo: generate text and let command line determine whether to export as text, file, html, or xml { const int StartingSupply = 99; // todo: read starting count as command line parameter Console.WriteLine(SingVerses(StartingSupply)); Console.ReadKey(); } static string SingVerses(int StartingCount) // purpose: generate as many verses as necessary given starting count of inventory supply // at process entry point (this may change when six sigma team has optimized materiel processing) { if (StartingCount > 0) { int RestockLevel = StartingCount; StringBuilder theSong = new StringBuilder(); // note: this will all need to be rewritten if Legal dept. requires ability to distribute >1 bottle at a time for (int i = StartingCount; i >= 0; --i) { theSong.Append(Verse(i, RestockLevel)+ "\n"); } return theSong.ToString(); } else { return EnglishLyrics.NoBeer; } } static string Verse(int Quantity, int RestockLevel) { StringBuilder theVerse = new StringBuilder(); theVerse.Append(SongUtilities.capitalizeFirst(NoticeCurrentLevel(Quantity))); theVerse.Append(DistributeOrRestock(Quantity, RestockLevel)); return theVerse.ToString() + "\n"; } static string NoticeCurrentLevel(int Quantity) // management and user reporting of current stocking level and locatino // with redundancy for inebriation-inhibited promulgation of mission-critical data { StringBuilder theLine = new StringBuilder(); string theCount = singCount(Quantity); theLine.Append(theCount); theLine.Append(EnglishLyrics.Location + ", "); theLine.Append(theCount + EnglishLyrics.Substance + ".\n"); return theLine.ToString(); } static string singCount(int Quantity) // shouldn't this be revised with regexp? { switch (Quantity) { case 0: return EnglishLyrics.AllOut; break; case 1: return EnglishLyrics.Singular; break; default: return Quantity.ToString() + " " + EnglishLyrics.Plural; break; } } static string DistributeOrRestock(int Quantity, int RestockLevel) { StringBuilder theLine = new StringBuilder(); if (Quantity > 0) { // distribute one from current supply then notify stakeholders of post-distribution depleted supply level theLine.Append(EnglishLyrics.Distribution + ", "); theLine.Append(singCount(Quantity - 1)); } else { // replenish distribution buffer via standard procurement channels, // then notify stakeholders that supply chain processing is complete re: inventory validation theLine.Append(EnglishLyrics.Restock + ", "); theLine.Append(singCount(RestockLevel)); } theLine.Append(EnglishLyrics.Location + "."); return theLine.ToString(); } } }
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Alternative Versions
Version | Author | Date | Comments | Rate |
Concise, using C# 3.5 features | Jeff Dietrich | 10/26/07 | 14 | |
2 | Paul M. Parks | 04/20/05 | 9 | |
C# Gratuitously Functional | Paul Stancer | 04/14/09 | 1 | |
4 | Mark Hurley | 05/31/05 | 0 | |
Uses Linq | Sudipta | 11/19/10 | 0 | |
Shows new features of C# 2.0. | Bradley Tetzlaff | 11/24/05 | 0 | |
v3.0 Easy Functional Recursive | Yelinna Pulliti Carrasco | 08/04/09 | 0 |
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