Language DBase 2000
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Anonymous |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | (3.00 in 10 votes) |
// // Generated on 10/11/2002 // parameter bModal local f f = new _9Form() if (bModal) f.mdi = false // ensure not MDI f.readModal() else endif class _9Form of FORM with (this) onClose = {;form.Release()} height = 22.1818 left = -0.1429 top = -0.0455 width = 109.8571 text = "99 Bottles of Beer" endwith this.EDITOR1 = new EDITOR(this) with (this.EDITOR1) height = 20 left = 2 top = 0.5 width = 107 value = "" endwith this.PUSHBUTTON1 = new PUSHBUTTON(this) with (this.PUSHBUTTON1) onClick = class::PUSHBUTTON1_ONCLICK height = 1.5 left = 1 top = 20.5 width = 107 text = "Start" borderStyle = 7 // Client endwith function PUSHBUTTON1_onClick form.Editor1.Value = "" form.suffix = "s " for i = 99 to 1 step -1 if i = 1 form.suffix = " " endif form.num = transform(i,"999") + " " form.num2 = transform(i - 1,"999") + " " form.Editor1.Value = form.Editor1.Value + form.num + "bottle" +; form.suffix + "of beer on the wall, " +; form.num + "bottle" + form.suffix +; "of beer. Take one down and pass it around, "+; iif(i > 1,form.num2 + "bottle" + iif(i > 2,form.suffix," "),"No more bottles ") + ; "of beer on the wall." +; chr(13) next form.Editor1.Value = form.Editor1.Value + " No more bottles of beer on the wall, " + chr(13) + ; " no more bottles of beer. " + chr(13) +; " Go to the store and get some more." + chr(13) +; " 99 bottles of beer on the wall" return endclass
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