Language DHTML
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Anonymous |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 2 |
Info: | n/a |
Score: | (1.75 in 4 votes) |
DTML (Document Template Markus Language) is the scripting language of the web management tool 'Zope'. <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('i',_.range(0,100,1))"> <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('r',99)"> <dtml-in i reverse> <dtml-if expr="r==1"> <dtml-var sequence-item> bottle of beer on the wall, <dtml-var sequence-item> bottle of beer take one down, pass it around, <dtml-var sequence-item> bottle of beer. <dtml-elif expr="r==0"> no more bottles of beer on the wall. Go to the store, buy some more. <dtml-else> <dtml-var sequence-item> bottles of beer on the wall, <dtml-var sequence-item> bottles of beer take one down, pass it around, <dtml-var sequence-item> bottles of beer. </dtml-if> <dtml-call "REQUEST.set('r',r-1)"> </dtml-in>
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Andrew W said on 12/24/05 17:00:18
DHTML != DTML, someone please change the heading.
A proper DHTML answer would be an HTML page using javascript to insert the answer, and I believe a javascript version has already been done.
bs said on 03/12/06 19:17:28
Yep, and a dtml-Version is already found under 'Z' for Zope!