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Language DragonSpeak

(Uses timers, loops after 0.)

Author:Viktor Vanguard
Score: (3.33 in 3 votes)
DSPK V04.00 Furcadia

(0:0) When everything is starting up,
            (5:300) set variable %beer to the value 99.
            (5:50) set countdown timer 1 to go off in 1 seconds.

(0:50) When countdown timer 1 goes off,
   (1:201) and variable %beer is more than 2,
            (5:204) emitloud message {%beer bottles of beer on the wall, %beer bottles of beer.} to
everyone on the map.
            (5:304) take variable %beer and subtract 1 from it.
            (5:204) emitloud message {Take one down and pass it around, %beer bottles of beer on the
wall.} to everyone on the map.
            (5:50) set countdown timer 1 to go off in 1 seconds.

(0:50) When countdown timer 1 goes off,
   (1:200) and variable %beer is equal to 2,
            (5:204) emitloud message {%beer bottles of beer on the wall, %beer bottles of beer.} to
everyone on the map.
            (5:304) take variable %beer and subtract 1 from it.
            (5:204) emitloud message {Take one down and pass it around, %beer bottle of beer on the
wall.} to everyone on the map.
            (5:50) set countdown timer 1 to go off in 1 seconds.

(0:50) When countdown timer 1 goes off,
   (1:200) and variable %beer is equal to 1,
            (5:204) emitloud message {%beer bottle of beer on the wall, %beer bottle of beer.} to
everyone on the map.
            (5:304) take variable %beer and subtract 1 from it.
            (5:204) emitloud message {Take one down and pass it around, %beer bottles of beer on the
wall.} to everyone on the map.
            (5:50) set countdown timer 1 to go off in 1 seconds.

(0:50) When countdown timer 1 goes off,
   (1:200) and variable %beer is equal to 0,
            (5:204) emitloud message {No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.}
to everyone on the map.
            (5:300) set variable %beer to the value 99.
            (5:204) emitloud message {Go to the store and buy some more, %beer bottles of beer on
the wall.} to everyone on the map.
            (5:50) set countdown timer 1 to go off in 1 seconds.

*Endtriggers* 8888 *Endtriggers*

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