Language Eloquence
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Gunnar Klevefors |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 1 |
Info: | |
Score: | (2.95 in 19 votes) |
REM Eloquence-version By Gunnar Klevefors DLG SET ".driver","@localhost" FOR X=10 TO 1 STEP -1 POPUP BOX "[Eloqouence version]["&VAL$(X)&" Bottle"&RPT$("s",(X>1))&" of beer on the wall,|"&VAL$(X)&" bottle"&RPT$("s",(X>1))&" of beer.|Take one down and pass it around,|"&VAL$(X-1)&" bottle"&RPT$("s",(X>2))&" of beer on the wall.][OK]" NEXT X END
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barrym said on 06/15/10 05:49:59
The language has the potential to be eloquent, but the coding leaves
much to be desired (the output is a ridiculous subset of the correct
song lyrics)!