Language Esofunk
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Anonymous |
URL: | n/a |
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Score: | (3.00 in 15 votes) |
See 'label, offset, memory positions used int N 0 int X1 1 int X2 2 int X3 3 io 3 N=99 until N<=0 { call NUM : call SONGA : call SONGB output ",",0Dh,0Ah call NUM : call SONGA output ".",0Dh,0Ah,"Take one down, pass it around,",0Dh,0Ah N-=1 call SONGA : call SONGB output ".",0Dh,0Ah } goto END *NUM { X1=N : X2=X1 : X2/=10 : X3=X2 : X3*=10 : X1-=X3 X1+="0" : X2+="0" output X1,X2 } *SONGA { output " bottles of beer" } *SONGB { output " on the wall" } *END '#AB,<CR>#AC#AB.<CR> '99 bottles of beer on the wall, '99 bottles of beer. 'Take one down, pass it around, '98 bottles of beer on the wall.
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