Language FASM
(x86-64 Windows console version)
Date: | 01/27/07 |
Author: | Quiveror |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | ![]() |
; 99 bottles of beer by Quiveror ; x86-64 Windows console version format PE64 console entry start section '.data' data readable writeable stdout dq ? a$ db '00 bottles' b$ db ' of beer' c$ db ' on the wall' d$ db ',',13,10,13,10 e$ db 13,10,'Take one down, pass it around,',13,10 f$ db 13,10,'Go to the store, buy some more,',13,10 label h$ section '.code' code readable executable fillnum: movzx eax,bl mov cl,10 div cl add eax,'00' mov word [a$],ax xor esi,esi cmp bl,cl setb sil mov edi,esi cmp bl,2 adc edi,0 neg edi ret write: push rbp mov rbp,rsp and rsp,not 0Fh push rax lea r9,[rsp] push 0 mov r8d,edx mov rdx,rcx mov rcx,[stdout] sub rsp,8*4 call [WriteFile] mov rsp,rbp pop rbp ret write_0: lea edx,[b$-a$+edi] lea rcx,[a$+rsi] call write ret write_1: call write_0 mov [c$],' ' mov [d$],'.' mov edx,e$-b$ lea rcx,[b$] call write write_2: call write_0 mov [d$],',' mov edx,e$-b$-2 lea rcx,[b$] call write call write_0 mov [c$],'.' mov edx,c$-b$+1 lea rcx,[b$] call write ret start: sub rsp,8 mov ecx,-11 call [GetStdHandle] mov [stdout],rax mov bl,99 call fillnum call write_2 jmp trivial next: call fillnum call write_1 trivial: mov edx,f$-e$ lea rcx,[e$] call write dec bl jnz next mov word [a$],'No' xor edi,edi xor esi,esi call write_1 mov edx,h$-f$ lea rcx,[f$] call write mov word [a$],'99' mov [c$],' ' mov [d$],'.' mov edx,d$-a$+3 lea rcx,[a$] call write mov ecx,eax call [ExitProcess] section '.idata' import data readable writeable dd 0,0,0,RVA kernel$,RVA kernel dd 0,0,0,0,0 kernel$ db 'KERNEL32.DLL',0 align 8 kernel: ExitProcess dq RVA ExitProcess$ WriteFile dq RVA WriteFile$ GetStdHandle dq RVA GetStdHandle$ dq 0 ExitProcess$ db 0,0,'ExitProcess',0 align 2 WriteFile$ db 0,0,'WriteFile',0 align 2 GetStdHandle$ db 0,0,'GetStdHandle',0
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Version | Author | Date | Comments | Rate |
assembly programming language for x86 an | Peter Kuscsik | 04/07/06 | 2 | ![]() ![]() |
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