Language FBSL
Date: | 08/02/05 |
Author: | Gerome GUILLEMIN |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 1 |
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Score: | (3.00 in 39 votes) |
'*99 bottles of beer on the wall * '*FBSL Scripting Language * '** Option explicit #DllDeclare Kernel32("Sleep" As Wait, "Beep") Dim %beer = 99, %x Repeat beer Locate(10, 2, 1): ? beer & " bottles of beer on the wall " & beer & " bottles of beer" beer = beer - 1 : x = x + 1 Locate(11, 2, 1): ? "Take one down and pass it around " & beer & " bottles of beer on the wall" If x > 33 Then x = 1: Cls Else If beer = 9 Then Cls Else Wait(150) End if End If Locate(12, x) : ? Space(x), "{==}" End Repeat Wait(500): Cls ? " No more bottle of beer on the wall. No more bottles of beer..." ? " Go to the store and buy some more...99 bottles of beer.", CrLf Beep(100, 50): Beep(200, 75): Beep(300, 50) Pause
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GrahamDINA27 said on 09/02/10 05:32:56
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