Language Ferite
Date: | 09/25/06 |
Author: | Rowan Lewis |
URL: | |
Comments: | 1 |
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Score: | (3.00 in 4 votes) |
class BottlesOfBeerSong { private number bottles; private string output; private string format; constructor(number bottles) { self(bottles, "html"); } constructor(number bottles, string format) { .bottles = bottles; .format = format; } function play() { while (.bottles > 0) { string bottles = "bottle"; .start(); if (.bottles > 1) { bottles += "s"; } .line("${.bottles} ${bottles} of beer on the wall,"); .line("${.bottles} ${bottles} of beer,"); .line("Take one down, pass it around,"); .bottles--; if (.bottles > 0) { .line("${.bottles} ${bottles} of beer on the wall."); } else { .line("No bottles of beer on the wall!"); } .stop(); } return .output; } private function start() { if (.format == "html") { .output += "\n<p>"; } } private function line(string line) { if (.format == "html") { .output += "\n\t${line}<br />"; } else { .output += "\n${line}"; } } private function stop() { if (.format == "html") { .output = .output[..-7] + "\n</p>"; } } } object song = new BottlesOfBeerSong(99); Console.println("" +;
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HannahBuchanan24 said on 07/10/10 04:35:00
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