Language IBM 1620 SPS
Date: | 10/18/05 |
Author: | Chuck Guzis |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 4 |
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BOTTLES OF BEER PROGRAM FOR THE IBM 1620 MODEL I * * HAMMERS THE WHOLE THING OUT ON THE CONSOLE TYPEWRITER. * * A MISERABLE WASTE OF TIME ON 10/2005 BY * CHUCK GUZIS CHUCK @ SYDEX.COM * * THIS CODE IS SHOWN IN ASSEMBLY-LISTING FORMAT WITH SPS MNEMONICS. * I HAVE SPREAD THE SPS FIELDS OUT A BIT FOR READABILITY. * * THERE ARE SOME SPECIAL NUMERIC CHARACTERS: * ] = FLAGGED 0 * J-R = FLAGGED 1-9 * | = RECORD MARK * [ = FLAGGED RECORD MARK (NOT USED HERE) * * IF YOU'RE GOING TO RUN THIS ON THE CADET, YOU NEED TO HAVE AT LEAST * THE ADDITION TABLES LOADED. INDIRECT ADDRESSING IS USEFUL, BUT NOT * ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY (SEE NOTE BELOW). * * EXECUTION STARTS AT 00402. * 00402 34 00000 00102 START RCTY ,,, RETURN CARRIAGE 00414 17 00626 ]0426 BTM DBEERS,*+12 ,,, SHOW COUNT 00426 39 00783 00100 WATY MSG2 ,,, OF BEER ON... 00438 34 00000 00102 RCTY ,,, RETURN CARR. 00450 17 00626 ]0462 BTM DBEERS,*+12 ,,, SHOW COUNT 00462 39 00827 00100 WATY MSG4 ,,, OF BEER. 00474 34 00000 00102 RCTY ,,, ZZZZIP... 00486 39 00847 00100 WATY MSG6 ,,, TAKE ONE DOWN 00498 34 00000 00102 RCTY ,,, ZZZIP... 00510 12 00745 ]0001 SM BEERS,1 ,,, A DEAD SOLDIER 00522 46 00578 01200 BZ EMPTY ,,, IF ALL GONE 00534 17 00626 ]0546 BTM DBEERS,*+12 ,,, SHOW COUNT 00546 39 00783 00100 WATY MSG2 ,,, ON THE WALL 00558 34 00000 00102 RCTY ,,, ZZZZZIP... 00570 49 00402 B7 START ,,, DO IT AGAIN 00577 0 00578 39 00911 00100 EMPTY WATY MSG8 ,,, NO MORE BEER 00590 34 00000 00102 RCTY ,,, ZZZZIP... 00602 48 00000 00000 H ,,, STOP 00614 49 00578 B7 EMPTY ,,, IN CASE RUN PUSHED * * SUBROUTINE TO DISPLAY BOTTLE COUNT AND EITHER *BOTTLE* OR *BOTTLES* * * THIS ASSUMES THAT THE INDIRECT ADDRESSING FEATURE IS PRESENT, BUT * IF NOT, SIMPLY USE A "BB"(42) INSTRUCTION IN PLACE OF THE INDIRECT * BRANCHES. * 00621 00000 DBRET DC 5,0 ,,, RETURN ADD 00626 14 00745 ]0010 DBEERS CM BEERS,10 ,,, DISPLAY BOTTLES 00638 46 00710 01300 BNL DBEER2 ,,, 10 OR MORE 00650 38 00745 00100 WNTY BEERS ,,, 1 DIGIT 00662 14 00745 ]0001 CM BEERS,1 ,,, JUST 1? 00674 47 00722 01200 BNE DBEERS4 ,,, NO, *BOTTLES* 00686 39 00767 00100 WATY BTL ,,, SAY *BOTTLE* 00698 49 ]062N B7 -DBRET ,,, EXIT 00710 38 00744 00100 DBEER2 WNTY BEERS-1 ,,, 2 DIGITS 00722 39 00749 00100 DBEER4 WATY BTLS ,,, SAY BOTTLES 00734 49 ]062N B7 -DBRET ,,, EXIT 00741 ]0099 BEERS DC 5,99 ,,, BOTTLE COUNT 00746 | DC 1,@ 00747 0 00748 0042566363534562 BTLS DAC 8, BOTTLES 00764 0| DAC 1,@ 00766 004256636353450| BTL DAC 8, BOTTLE@ 00782 0056460042454559 MSG2 DAC 8, OF BEER 00798 0056550063484500 DAC 8, ON THE 00814 66415353030| DAC 6,WALL.@ 00826 0056460042454559 MSG4 DAC 8, OF BEER 00842 030| DAC 2,.@ 00846 6341524500565545 MSG6 DAC 8,TAKE ONE 00862 00445666552300 DAC 7, DOWN, 00876 5741626200496300 DAC 8,PASS IT 00892 4159566455440020 DAC 8,AROUND - 00908 0| DAC 1,@ 00910 5556005456594500 MSG8 DAC 8,NO MORE 00926 42454559030| DAC 6,BEER.@
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And Tom - "Monitor" ??? All our programs were SPS or Fortran PDQ and we certainly did not have any monitor programs in 1966.
I am impressed with your knowledge.
Oh, and Tom there may be an emulator out there somewhere??? assigning the typewriter may be a problem though. LOL
Fond memories, just sitting there, watching it divide ....
As far as the typewriter workings go, the vast amount of lag is going to be taken up by the return of the typewriter carriage, not the delay in the startup of the I/O instructions, so I didn't think that it was worth the extra effort to prepare the entire message, though it certainly could have been done that way.