Language iForth
(ANS Forth with extensions)
Date: | 09/25/05 |
Author: | Marcel Hendrix |
URL: | |
Comments: | 1 |
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Score: | (3.00 in 54 votes) |
\ iForth version of 99 Bottles of beer : BOB ( n -- ) DUP IF DUP . ELSE ." no more " ENDIF ." bottle" ?S ." of beer" ; : sing ( -- ) 1 99 DO CR I BOB ." on the wall, " I BOB [CHAR] . EMIT CR ." Take one down, pass it around, " I 1- BOB ." on the wall." -1 +LOOP ;
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Chad R. Larson said on 04/23/08 05:18:45
Forgot the definition of ?S.
Here's my own:
: ?S 1 = IF ELSE ." s" THEN ;