Language Inform
(historic version)
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Torbjorn Andersson |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 1 |
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Score: | (2.72 in 111 votes) |
Inform is a compiler meant for writing adventure games for the so-called "Z-machine" created by Infocom. <a href=>Click here</a> for more information. ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, Inform version [smaller] ! _ ! Torbjorn Andersson, (d91tan@Minsk.DoCS.UU.SE) December 1995 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! For technical reasons, the first function is not allowed to use local ! variables. Global i = 99; [ Main; print "^^^^"; while (i > 0) { new_line; print i, (char) ' ', (PluralBottle) i, " of beer on the wall,^"; print (Chorus) i--; print "You take one down & pass it around^"; print (Chorus) i; } @read_char 1 i; quit; ]; [ PluralBottle n; if (n == 1) print "bottle"; else print "bottles"; ]; [ Chorus n; print " "; if (n == 0) print "No more"; else print n; print_ret (char) ' ', (PluralBottle) n, " of beer"; ]; end;
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ric said on 06/01/08 04:09:43
I love the way you've subtly changed the lyrics to make it read more like an adventure game!