

esoteric language

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Language l33t

Author:Marinus Oosters
Score: (3.46 in 24 votes)
7 99999999998          
5 0 7 8                    
5 0 7 9999992              
5 0 7 9999992              
5 0 7 9994                 
5 0 7 99999999997          
5 0 7 9999999999992        
5 0 7 9999999999997        
5 0 7 9999999999997        
5 0 7 999999999998         
5 0 7 999999999991         
5 0 7 9999999999996        
5 0 7 9994                 
5 0 7 9999999999992        
5 0 7 999999999992         
5 0 7 9994                 
5 0 7 99999999997          
5 0 7 999999999991         
5 0 7 999999999991         
5 0 7 9999999999995        
5 0 7 9994                 
5 0 7 9999999999992        
5 0 7 9999999999991        
5 0 7 9994                 
5 0 7 9999999999997        
5 0 7 999999999994         
5 0 7 999999999991         
5 0 7 9994                 
5 0 7 99999999999991       
5 0 7 99999999996          
5 0 7 999999999998         
5 0 7 999999999998         
5 0 7 9                    
5 0                        
5 0 7 99999999997          
5 0 7 9999999999992        
5 0 7 9999999999997        
5 0 7 9999999999997        
5 0 7 999999999998         
5 0 7 999999999991         
5 0 7 9999999999996        
5 0 7 9994                 
5 0 7 9999999999992        
5 0 7 999999999992         
5 0 7 9994                 
5 0 7 99999999997          
5 0 7 999999999991         
5 0 7 999999999991         
5 0 7 9999999999995        
5 0 7 9                    
5 0                        
5 0 7 9999999992           
5 0 7 99999999996          
5 0 7 999999999997         
5 0 7 999999999991         
5 0 7 9994                 
5 0 7 9999999999992        
5 0 7 9999999999991        
5 0 7 999999999991         
5 0 7 9994                 
5 0 7 99999999999          
5 0 7 9999999999992        
5 0 7 99999999999991       
5 0 7 9999999999991        
5 0 7 99997                
5 0 7 9994                 
5 0 7 9999999999993        
5 0 7 99999999996          
5 0 7 9999999999996        
5 0 7 9999999999996        
5 0 7 9994                 
5 0 7 999999999995         
5 0 7 9999999999997        
5 0 7 9994                 
5 0 7 99999999996          
5 0 7 9999999999995        
5 0 7 9999999999992        
5 0 7 9999999999998        
5 0 7 9999999999991        
5 0 7 99999999999          
5 0 7 9                    
5 0                        
6 999999998 3 5 1 3 1 5 0 4 6 9993 1 5 0 1 5 0 1 5 9992 3 1 5 0 4 5 0 3 
1 5 0 4 6 999999998 8 0 5 0 3 8 0 5 0 1 5 0 8 0 1 5 9992 4 5 97 3 6 97
7 8 5 0 8 0 1 5 0 7 8 1 5 9992 4 5 0 8 99999999997 3 7 99999999997 6 98         
4 6 2 3 5 0 4 5 0 8 99999999997 3 7 99999999997 4 7 99999999997 6 9992      
3 1 5 0 4 6 0 1 6 9994 4 91

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>>  defproc said on 01/21/06 10:50:50

defproc Hah! What an interesting language! I'll be careful which l33tsp34k posts I sigh at in future. Sadly, though, in accordance with the technical specification of the language, you are "teh sUxX0r."

- dp

>>  Insane said on 09/24/07 13:18:42

Insane Yaaaargh!!

Somebody 1337ify it!
I'm not pwnz0rizer enough to do it myself.


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