Language ML/I
(Has correct lyrics, numbers in English)
Date: | 09/18/06 |
Author: | Parzival Herzog |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | (2.98 in 105 votes) |
MCSKIP - WITH - NL -- The line above defines the comment syntax: -- through to newline is completely deleted. -- 99 Bottles of beer in 99 lines of ML/I by Parzival Herzog. -- ML/I is P.J. Brown's famous general purpose macro processor designed in 1967. -- See -- -- Define nestable quotes {...}, replaced by the unevaluated text within: MCSKIP MT, {} -- Define non-nestable quotes "...", replaced by the unevaluated text within: MCSKIP T, "" -- Define the argument insertion and expression evaluation syntax: -- ?e. is replaced by the value of macro expression e: MCINS ?. -- -- Top level macro: Sing N CONTAINERS of CONTENTS SOMEWHERE : DO THE DEED! REPLENISH. MCDEF "Sing WITH SPACE SPACE of WITH SPACE SPACE : ! ." AS -- {MCDEF "CONTAINERS" AS "{"?A2."}" MCDEF "CONTAINER" AS "{"MCSUB(CONTAINERS,1,-1)"}" MCDEF "CONTENTS" AS "{"?A3."}" MCDEF "SOMEWHERE" AS "{"?A4."}" MCDEF "DO WITHS THE WITHS DEED" AS "{"?A5."}" MCDEF "REPLENISH" AS "{"?A6."}" MCSET T1 = ?A1. MCDEF "n" AS "("?T1.")" MCDEF "N" AS "{"n"}" ?L1.n of CONTENTS SOMEWHERE, n of CONTENTS. MCGO L2 UNLESS ?T1. GR 0 MCSET T1 = T1 - 1 MCDEF "n" AS "("?T1.")" DO THE DEED: n of CONTENTS SOMEWHERE. MCGO L1 ?L2.REPLENISH: N of CONTENTS SOMEWHERE!} -- -- Wordify 0 to 99 CONTAINERS: MCDEF "()" AS {MCSET T1=?A1. MCGO L1 UNLESS T1 GR 99 ?T1. CONTAINERS-- Return the decimal number instead of words. MCGO L0 ?L1.MCGO L2 IF T1 GR 9 MCDEF "0units" AS ?T1."Unit" MCGO L3 ?L2.MCSET T3 = T1 - T1/10*10 MCDEF "0units" AS ?T3."unit" MCSET T1 = T1 / 10 MCDEF "0tens" AS ?T1."Ten" 0tens?L3.0units CONTAINERS} -- Exceptions: MCDEF "(WITH 0 WITH)" AS {"No more" CONTAINERS} MCDEF "(WITH 1 WITH)" AS {"One more" CONTAINER} MCDEF "(WITH 11 WITH)" AS {"Eleven" CONTAINERS} MCDEF "(WITH 12 WITH)" AS {"Twelve" CONTAINERS} MCDEF "(WITH 13 WITH)" AS {"Thirteen" CONTAINERS} MCDEF "(WITH 14 WITH)" AS {"Fourteen" CONTAINERS} MCDEF "(WITH 15 WITH)" AS {"Fifteen" CONTAINERS} MCDEF "(WITH 16 WITH)" AS {"Sixteen" CONTAINERS} MCDEF "(WITH 17 WITH)" AS {"Seventeen" CONTAINERS} MCDEF "(WITH 18 WITH)" AS {"Eighteen" CONTAINERS} MCDEF "(WITH 19 WITH)" AS {"Nineteen" CONTAINERS} -- Regular cases: -- MCDEF "0Unit" AS {"No"} -- MCDEF "1Unit" AS {"One"} MCDEF "2Unit" AS {"Two"} MCDEF "3Unit" AS {"Three"} MCDEF "4Unit" AS {"Four"} MCDEF "5Unit" AS {"Five"} MCDEF "6Unit" AS {"Six"} MCDEF "7Unit" AS {"Seven"} MCDEF "8Unit" AS {"Eight"} MCDEF "9Unit" AS {"Nine"} MCDEF "0unit" AS MCDEF "1unit" AS {" one"} MCDEF "2unit" AS {" two"} MCDEF "3unit" AS {" three"} MCDEF "4unit" AS {" four"} MCDEF "5unit" AS {" five"} MCDEF "6unit" AS {" six"} MCDEF "7unit" AS {" seven"} MCDEF "8unit" AS {" eight"} MCDEF "9unit" AS {" nine"} -- MCDEF "0Ten" AS MCDEF "1Ten" AS {"Ten"} MCDEF "2Ten" AS {"Twenty"} MCDEF "3Ten" AS {"Thirty"} MCDEF "4Ten" AS {"Fourty"} MCDEF "5Ten" AS {"Fifty"} MCDEF "6Ten" AS {"Sixty"} MCDEF "7Ten" AS {"Seventy"} MCDEF "8Ten" AS {"Eighty"} MCDEF "9Ten" AS {"Ninety"} -- The specified song: Sing 99 bottles of beer on the wall: Take one down, pass it around! -- Go to the store and buy some more. -- Try uncommenting the next two lines: -- Sing 7 flasks of Armanjac on the table: Take a swig, throw it down! -- Emilie vists, she brings some more.
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