Language ML/I Macroprocessor
Date: | 04/20/05 |
Author: | Parzival Herzog |
URL: | n/a |
Comments: | 0 |
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Score: | (3.33 in 3 votes) |
MCSKIP - WITH - NL -- (The line above defines comment syntax: it must preceed -- comments.) -- -- 99 Bottles of beer in ML/I by Parzival Herzog. -- ML/I is P.J. Brown's famous general purpose macro processor -- designed in 1967. -- See -- -- Incantations: MCSKIP MT, {} MCSKIP T, "" MCINS ?. -- -- Main macro: "99 bottles of beer" MCDEF "99 WITHS bottles WITHS of WITHS beer" AS {MCSET T1=99 ?L1.Say ?T1. bottles of beer on the wall, Say ?T1. bottles of beer, take one down pass it around, Say ?T1-1. bottles of beer. MCSET T1=T1-1 MCGO L1 IF T1 GE 1 } -- -- Pluralizing macro: "Say n bottles of beer" MCDEF "Say bottles WITHS of WITHS beer" AS -- {MCGO L??A1.+10. IF 2 GR ?A1. ?A1." bottles"MCGO L1 ?L10."No more bottles"MCGO L1 ?L11."One more bottle"?L1." of beer"} -- -- "99 bottles of beer" is replaced by the specified song: 99 bottles of beer
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